Saturday 5 February 2011

Living in Poznań

Hello to all bloggers!
It is quite hard for me to write about my accommodation because I have been living in Poznań for more then fifteen years now and I get accoustomed to it. Although, I constantly change somethnig in my flat I am still dissatisfied with its arrangement but certianly I feel homely where I live. The apartment I live in possesses probably the three most impotrant features every house should have, they are: location, location and location:-)) Indeed, I am surranded by the most famous shopping malls such as Plaza, Pestka, Kaufland e.c.t. which make living here easy and comfortable. Not to mention a fast tram or numbers of buses going to the center every 5 minutes. Only one thing puts me off at my house estate and I constantly fight with it and complain to the administratin board, there are aminals'excrements. They are all over the place, especially now, when the snow is melting.:-((
Sometimes I have a strong sense of belonging here, to Poznań, though, I come from the south, Poznań has become my town and I quite like it.

1 comment:

  1. If you have lived here for more than fifteen years, you must have become familiar with special characteristics of Poznań 'locals'. Do think the stereotype of Poznań is mostly right? Are we thrifty, conservative, clean(?!), hard-working, resourceful, etc.?
